Q1. What is does search engine optimization (SEO) really mean? In simple terms, Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of guiding the development of a website so that it will naturally attract visitors by gaining top position and ranking on the search engines such as Google, Yahoo or MSN for selected keywords or keyword phrases.
Q2. Why should I persue search engine optimization? Search engine optimization is required to gain more exposure on the Internet. This helps to drive more good quality traffic to your site. Every site needs optimization for better performance.
Q3. How long will it take me to get to the top of the search engines? It takes around 1 month to 6 months (sometimes even 12 months) to gain ranking. Google takes more time to spider up the websites than other major search engines
Q4. Are search engine rankings guaranteed? It is not possible to guarantee top ten rankings for generic terms. Secret algorithms that are programmed by the search engines determine the rankings. No Malaysia SEO firm has control over the algorithms.
Q5. What are the factors on which your site rankings depend? The competition for your key phrases. Number of links pointing to your website How long has your site has been on the web The magnitude of your current web presence How much good content is provided on your site The strength of your post-launch monthly maintenance plan The design of your website
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