Joomla 1.7 Extensions – It is easy to add Adsense to your Joomla 1.7 website. This Joomla tutorial applies to any Joomla 1.7 theme you have installed. I will use my Beez_20 template as an example.
Nurte Google Adsense Plugin allows you to add Google Adsense directly into articles. You can choose positioning of your ads, color, type, and the number of ads. There are other modules such as J-Google Adsense which will add adsense into your module positions. You can see how to add Adsense into Module Positions here.
Using Nurte Google Adsense Plugin, I will show you how to :
Remember to log into your own Google Adsense account to create your own ads. After you generate your own code you can replace mine with yours.
Remember that you can have a maximum of 3 Google Adsense units on a page at a time. As per guidelines by Google.
1. Download Adsense Plugin
2. Install Module & Plugin in Extensions Manager
You will see a message that says:
3. Activate Plugin in Plugin Manager
The plugin will allow you to add Google Adsense into your Articles. You can choose which categories and positioning of the ads.
4. Configure Adsense Plugin to Show Ads in Articles
5. Test
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