By Jacarlin Web Solutions on Friday, 07 January 2011
Category: Malaysia Joomla web design blog

Why You Should Have Your New Website Developed using Joomla

Joomla can be used by Non-Technical Users.

It is User Friendly. Content can be changed, right on the website with nothing more complicated than a text editor.
A Joomla layout can be Easily Altered. The whole look and feel, the style and color of your website can be altered by uploading a new template.
It helps keepy our web content Organized. There is a powerful Content Management System available behind the scenes.
Plugins, many of them free, extend the capability of your website. There a literally thousands of plugins available to meet the needs of a particular site.
Joomla is Free. Did I mention it's free?
Your site can be Easily Maintained. Everything is there on the website. Nothing is locked away on the web developer's' computer.

The Site can be Easily Updated. The whole look can be changed with a new template. A whole new area of content can be added with little more than the copy/paste function.

Joomla! is freely available for anyone to Use, Modify and Implement. You are not locked into using a proprietary CMS or locked into one particular web development company.

Joomla! allows In-House Management of website content, depending of course on the capabilities of the people using it.
Joomla! is an Internationally Developed Application. There are thousands of developers expanding Joomla!'s capabilities by contributing their own web services components and plug-ins to the Joomla! Extensions Directory.
Joomla! is Secure. Joomla! has grown to become the most installed, secure and

implemented web server.

You can find out more by going to our website and downloading our free report.
At Carolina Custom Video we know what its like to run a business and how fast things can change. We know that a website that you can easily manage and update on the fly is a tremendous resource for your business.
So stop getting "throwing money away everytime you want to make a change to your website. Take control today by calling us for a free consultation.

A website can be your most effective communication tool. Carolina Custom Video will design a website that reaches your target market and delivers your message. Whether it is a website or a custom video, choose Carolina Custom Video to help you communicate.

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