By Jacarlin Web Solutions on Friday, 06 January 2012
Category: Malaysia Joomla web design blog

Joomla Templating Framework: T3 vs Gantry

A framework is a set of functionality that provides the necessary ingredients and logic that is required to support and deploy applications. T3 and Gantry are two such independent frameworks which are rapidly being deployed to build web sites. T3 framework is the brainchild of Joomlart and is compatible with Joomla 1.5 and above. Similarly, Gantry was created by the Rocket Themeas a Joomla template framework. Both T3 and Gantry frameworks are highly competitive and are renowned on Joomla Template development arena.

T3 also happens to be the templating framework of choice for Cssbingo.

T3 framework is renowned for its convenience. The modular code that T3 framework utilizes makes the template developed on it fast, light and powerful. T3 framework has also received outstanding remarks for its menu models made possible by an advanced navigation system. It also features multiple layout system built with blocks having its own unique and module positions. Furthermore, one outstanding feature that triumphs T3 over Gantry is its ability to cater to all mobile devices i.e. a template developed in T3 framework is not limited to screen restriction and will automatically adapt to the change in interface.

Gantry is praised for its aesthetic looks made possible with color customizations. The numbers that they mention on their site are quite impressive – 65 base module positions, 36 layout combination. Wow, even from the same template you can give your site a different look everyday by playing around with the color themes and layout combination. In addition, the module positions and layout combinations enables you to design a unique site easily and with minimum effort. However, Gantry has been accused for its "lackluster" response and its inability to cater to mobile segments with the exception of iPhone and iPod. Gantry, on its website, mentions that it will be adding mobile functionality in the near future.

From the end users point of view, T3 and Gantry framework compete to provide us with more freedom and flexibility. This competition enables us to build sites efficiently, effectively and effortlessly. However, the choice is yours to decide which framework suits your requirements.

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