5 Easy Steps Joomla How to Hide Module from Users who are Logged in:
Here is a component that I found extremely helpful to hide modules/menus from users who were logged in. This free Joomla 1.7 extension is called “MetaMod” and can be found at http://www.metamodpro.com. I’ve used it extensively in my Joomla websites and it does work. MetaMod is highly configurable where you can choose to show or hide your Joomla module based on factors such as:
- By Date
- By Time
- Re-occuring time
- GEO IP (country of Viewer)
- Browser Type
- Browser Lanague
- User name
- User Group
- Domain
- Referrer
- Time Zone
Below I will show you how to install and configure it to work on your Joomla website.
Overview of what needs to be done:
- Download free Metamod from their website
- Install MetaMod via the Extensions Manager
- Create new module for module to be hidden in Module Manager
- Create new Metamod Module for module to hide for registered users in Module Manager
- Test
For example, In Beez_20 I want to show a module called “Cmsmind.com Member News” only to users who are logged in on the left navigation bar. Ie Position-7.
- 1. Download free Metamod from their website:
- Download the module from their website.
- Go to http://www.metamodpro.com
2. Install MetaMod via the Extensions Manager
Install the Module on your Joomla 1.7 website
- Login to your Joomla 1.7 Administrator Panel
- Click on Extensions, Extension Manager, Install tab
- In the “Upload Package File”, Package file, select the ZIP file you downloaded in step 1.
- Click on ‘Upload & Install’
- You will see a message that says :
Installing module was successful
A module that allows selective inclusion of other modules, depending on time, date, GeoIP-based Country lookup, and any other factors.
3. Create new module for module to be hidden in Module Manager:
Create a new module that will be hidden and positioned in a custom module position:
Create the MetaMod module to enable hiding or unhiding of the module based on different factors. You can customize this module to your liking.
Click on Extensions, Module Manager, New Module, Module Type = MetaMod
In the Module Manager: Module MetaMod, fill in the values:
- Title = Cmsmind.com-Member News
- Show Title = Hide
- Position = metamod-position
- Status = Published
- Access = Public
- Module Assignment = No Pages
- Click on Save & Close
Look at your module ID, in the right right column of the table you will see a number. Mine is showing 80. Remember this number as you will need it for the next step.
4. Create new Metamod Module for module to hide for registered users in Module Manager:
Create the MetaMod module to enable hiding or unhiding of the module based on different factors. You can customize this module to your liking.
Click on Extensions, Module Manager, New Module, Module Type = MetaMod
In the Module Manager: Module MetaMod, fill in the values:
- Title = CmsMind.com – Member News
- Show Title = Show
- Position = position-7
- Status = Published
- Access = Public
- Show Quick module(s) to = Logged in users only
- Module Assignment = On all pages
- Quick module position = 80
- Click on Save & Close
5. Test on the Joomla 1.7 Frontend:
- Access your Joomla 1.7 frontend
- You will not see the “CmsMind.com Member News” module as a guest
- Login as a registered user
- You will see the “CmsMind.com – Member News” show up on the navigation bar – position-7.