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I suggest RSFirewall! as Joomla! security service

RSFirewall! is the most advanced Joomla! security service that you can use to protect your Joomla! website from intrusions and hacker attacks. RSFirewall! is backed up by a team of experts that are trained to be always up to date with the latest known vulnerabilities and security updates for Joomla!, thus making RSFirewall! the best choice in keeping your website safe.

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  1796 Hits
1796 Hits

My favourite Joomla! form creator

With RSForm!Pro you can create Joomla! contact forms within minutes. In fact, anyone who tried it noticed how easy it is to create forms in Joomla!

The RSForm!Pro Joomla! form creator has all the form fields that you need when building custom forms for Joomla!. The RSForm!Pro back-end uses AJAX for quickly managing fields and submissions.

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  1608 Hits
1608 Hits

I love Acesef Component

AceSEF is a flexible and powerful Joomla SEF URLs, Metadata, Sitemap and Tags generator with an easy-to-use graphical user interface that simplifies the management of your site's SEO rank.

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  1770 Hits
1770 Hits

I always use JCE editor

JCE makes creating and editing Joomla!® content easy

Add a set of tools to your Joomla!® environment that give you the power to create the kind of content you want, without limitations, and without needing to know or learn HTML, XHTML, CSS...

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  2223 Hits
2223 Hits

Best Joomla Hosting Company

How does iWeb's high availability hosting works?

Redundancy diagram.

iWeb's website hosting solution provides your website with an enterprise-class high availability hosting solution that beats any single server hosting solution for a fraction of the price of advanced web clusters.

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  1748 Hits
1748 Hits
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